So who are we? Well we’re young, old, black, white, short, tall, male, female, rich, poor, married, single – a right mixed bag really. The only thing you can guarantee we’ve got in common is our shared faith. That’s what makes a church community so special. Everyone is welcome, everyone belongs, everyone is loved.
We come together to learn more about faith, to celebrate it, and to share the good times and the bad.
We try not to be inward-looking, but to instead find ways to share God’s love for all in our wider communities, and to live out our faith in our daily lives, not just on Sundays.

The Vale of Pewsey Churches are led by a team of clergy (click here for contact details):
Rev. Canon Rhona Floate heads the team as Team Rector. Rhona is a keen singer and is based at the Pewsey Rectory.
Rev. Mark Windsor is Team Vicar. He is a keen sportsman, and is based at the Wilcot Vicarage.
Rev. Hazel Davis is Team Vicar (Half Time) for Community Outreach and Mission in the Vale
of Pewsey, and is based at the Woodborough Vicarage.
Rev. Matthew Haynes is Assistant Curate and lives in Ramsbury.
Canon Gerald Osbourne supports the team as Rural Dean, and is a retired organic farmer.
Licensed Lay Ministers
Mrs Anne Mantle & Mrs Libby Turner (licensed by the Diocese)
Licensed Lay Ministers serve in a voluntary capacity, working with the clergy and may take Communion by Extension Services. You may meet them leading a service, in a pastoral context or when they take funerals.
Retired Clergy
We are blessed to have some retired clergy who support the work of the Team.
Not much would get done without the support of Brenda Woodrow; the Parish Administrator at the Team Office in Bouverie Hall.
You don’t need a Maths degree to see that the vicars and ministers don’t cover sixteen churches. They’re good but they can’t be in four churches at once on a Sunday morning! We are further blessed to have the support of Lay Worship Leaders and Lay Pastoral Assistants.
There are many other voluntary roles as well; Church Wardens, organists, musicians, bell-ringers, readers, cleaners, flower-arrangers, sidespersons, caterers, washer-uppers – there’s something for everyone!
Youth, Children & Families Team
Known as YACHT, the team plan and run events throughout the year. From Holiday Club in the Summer, to regular Youth Meetings and the ever popular Crib service on Christmas Eve. The team are Rev. Mark Windsor, Vicky Fawdry, Heidi Gorvin, Iain and Jo Gutteridge, Rob and Anne Marsh, aided by many other volunteers, especially at the mammoth summer holiday club. Visit the Youth, Children & Families page for more info on the events.
The Church of England
The Vale of Pewsey Team is part of the Church of England, in the Diocese of Salisbury. To visit their websites, see the links below: