St. James, North Newnton


    St. James, North Newnton

St James North Newnton serves three hamlets, which collectively have two pubs but no shops. The church lies at the end of a lane in a peaceful and beautiful spot.

We hold two services a month, at 11.00 on the first two Sundays. On the first we have developed a café church, usually lay-led, part service and part discussion.

Prompted by the pandemic, we have developed outside services for Christmas Eve, Easter, and Harvest Festival. Our regular congregations are usually 10 or 12, with five or six times that number on special occasions.

You would be most welcome at one our services, please see below for dates and times.

We are developing a project to add a kitchenette and toilet, to move the Font and to improve the heating, to make it more attractive for church events and community use, which will require extra funding (if you can help with this please see below).

Getting here



In lane outside church

Wheelchair Access:



When Covid restrictions allow: Refreshments once a month 1st Sunday at 9.30 Café Church 



Hearing loop:




History of the building

The present building dates from C14 although there has been a church on the site from C10.


St James Church members and visitors can give to the work of the church in various ways:


Cash can still be given at a service if you wish.

This month at St James

March 2025