A Message from the Team Rector
Dear Friends,
It gives me great pleasure to share some good news for all the Churches of the Vale of Pewsey Team as we re-launch our Team website! To be able to communicate online and still feel part of Church feels even more of a blessing in these days as we need to ‘Stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.’
We hope you enjoy the website’s new look and interactive feel. We are still working on it, so do look out for further developments in the days to come and please be patient where there are gaps in information yet to be uploaded. This is a voyage of discovery for us all.
On your behalf, I would like to thank Robin White so very much for his faithful management of our previous website (over 9 years).
As Robin steps back for a well-earned rest, may I welcome and thank Iain Gutteridge, who has designed and built our new website. Iain will care for the website from now on and we hope you will get involved and that it may be a sign of God’s Kingdom coming to help us see Hope renewed, as we ‘Pray, Serve and Grow.’
So, let’s thank the Lord for all His goodness and crack open a bottle of cyber champagne as we re-launch our Team website!
With best wishes and our prayers
Deb Larkey and all the Clergy team
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