For Bobby
Putting God first in our lives through prayer and worship is our greatest priority as Christians, both individually and as the Church, the Body of Christ. In daily private prayer we follow the example of Jesus, who loved to go to a place by himself to be with His Father. As part of our prayer, the Holy Scriptures will be our guide to knowing God better. This is how we learn to hear God’s loving voice, to know His presence, learn to trust Him in sorrow and in joy, listening out for the guidance of His Holy Spirit and how to discern signs of God’s Kingdom.
The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.
(Psalm 19: 1)
God loves us. He enjoys communicating with us: just think of rainbows, stars, the mountains. God speaks through the beauty and wonder of creation! Being able to come to God in prayer, to ‘talk’ to God as our perfect Heavenly Father, we can thank Him and ask for help in times of need, to enjoy His company at all times is a great privilege and joy. Over time, we learn to listen to God’s ‘still small voice’. A trusting relationship with God in prayer and worship is a gracious gift, something we could never earn, or deserve, but is freely available, a bit like picking up your ‘phone and tapping out a number. God is always with you, ready to listen and speak.
As Christians coming before God in prayer and worship, we come in humility, remembering that God is holy, great and powerful, beyond our understanding. A close relationship with God is made possible by the great sacrifice made by Jesus on the Cross for the forgiveness of sin in all people, so that we might be free to come near to God as His adopted children. In the Bible, we hear the Gospel message, the good news of Jesus Christ, His life, death and resurrection, all for love of us (John 3:16). We can enjoy God’s presence because of Jesus, our Saviour, our Friend and King. Therefore, like the early Christian Church, we gather to worship and pray, to hear God’s word and to break bread together, in order to remember and celebrate with gratitude all that God has done for us through His Son, Jesus. Daily, we can pray the Lord’s Prayer, the special prayer Jesus taught the disciples: ‘Our Father…’
A christian bookshop is a great source of prayer materials: The Mustard Seed Christian Bookshop & Coffeeshop is situated in the heart of the busy market town of Marlborough, Mustard Seed’s unique location by the River Kennet and its café area makes it an oasis of peace.